Random Thingies

If you want to read or just see random stuff made by me or stuff that I link/show because I want to then you've come to the right place... or whatever... I'm  just doing whatever I want so whatever. I also don't know what I'm doing because this is the first site I've ever created, or second, because I think I made something similar before.

Latest thingies in my

(I don't wanna fuckin' say blog because it's not what it is, or at least I don't think so.)


The hum of a laptop slowly heating up, the slight squeaking of an old overhead fan, the click-clacking of a keyboard with occasional clicking of a mouse, and with the muffled sounds of music playing from headphones filled a somewhat small room. A boy who was slightly overweight sat in a old chair that squeaked every time he leaned back...

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